S/Y Underveis on land
BODØ: S/Y Underveis has been to Bodø for a complete refitting. Painting, polishing, new license plates and logos have been placed on the sides of her hull. The sun shone, there was no wind and sweat and hard labor was the focus of the weekend.
PROFESSIONAL: This is what she looked like after the boys at Bokstavfabrikken AS were done fixing our ships name, number and logo onto our hull.
We are now in the last rounds of preparing for our trip, and there is plenty to do. We feel that things are according to plans, but the days are too short for us, anyway. Last weekend we sailed to Bodø and had our boat taken on land on the very modern and up to date facilities of Jakhelln Båt AS on Friday afternoon. They also provided us with paint and everything we needed, at very favorable prices. We noted that the hull is in very good shape, and that there was very little algae to be found, even though she hadn’t been on land for a year and a half.
GORGEOUS: S/Y Underveis became like new after a weekend at the marina at Jakhelln Båt AS in Bodø. A beautiful weather meant that we were able to do everything we had planned.
The hull over water was ripe for a good rubbing and polishing, and after a lot of sweating, climbing ladders and rubbing, she became almost like new again.

Friday afternoon Bjarte from Bokstavfabrikken AS came with logos for our boat and our project. They were four meters in length! So we imagined it would take a long time to placed all of these logos, but in a couple of hours the job was done, and we could really see what the ship would look like. The result turned out so well that Bokstavfabrikken AS decided to do the job free of charge, if we would just let them put their logo alongside ours. And so we did, happily, of course. Our project became alive after that weekend in Bodø.

Røst 02.08.2006
Even more fun was the enormous attention our ship drew in the marina. Everybody came around to have a chat about us and our trip.

With a big thanks to the boys from Jakhelln Båt AS and Bokstavfabrikken AS for very professional and patient assistance!

CHEERFUL BLACK: The underwater hull looked much better than we had expected after a year and a half in constant seawater. Here Finn Olav is painting a new coat on.
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